Wednesday, December 20, 2006

LibraryThing is a CoolThing.

From Neil Gaiman's blog, I found LibraryThing. It's amazingly easy to register and use. I'm not exactly sure what it's good for, but it's neato to enter your books and even pick the right covers for the editions you have.

I have a lot of books, and I don't recycle them. Which means I still own the books I bought in 1967 when I got to junior high school. (Yes, I know none of you are that old, so just bite me.) Here's my library-in-progress. I have a ton more books to enter! Whee!


TheGirard said...

i think I can safely say that I will never use this feature.

Major Rakal said...

Hmm, I was a junior in high school in 1967...

I signed up for the LibraryThing but the one thing I couldn't find was how you export your list, which the home page says you can do. Did you find that feature? If I enter even 200 (the freebie maximum) of my books in this, I want to be able to download a backup copy.

Shocho said...

Export is on the "Joy" tab. Which is kind of a catch-all for lots of stuff. I didn't realize the freebie was limited to 200 books. Sigh.

Major Rakal said...

"Joy" tab??? Where is it, pray tell? I've hunted in vain... :-(

Shocho said...

Ha! Sounds silly, doesn't it? Look at the tabs on the top... Your Library, Add Books, Your Profile... all the way at the right is "Joy." Upper right of that is Import/Export.

Major Rakal said...

This is weird. I checked again -- no Joy. There was no horizontal scroll bar, but figuring it might somehow be lurking off-screen, I widened my browser window. And the Joy tab appeared from behind the Zeitgeist tab, to the right of the Search tab. Never saw tabs hide behind other tabs before.

Shocho said...

That's a lot of work, but you have to find joy wherever you can these days. I hope it was worth the effort.

Kathy said...

200? That wouldn't finish off one of my four bookcases. We might own more J.R.R. Tolkien than that alone.

Not that I expect everyone to do this for free, but doesn't everyone own more than 200 books?

Shocho said...

Sure, anybody that would want to do this has more than 200 books, but that's enough to get you started and get the idea. You could just include your 200 favorite books, I guess. It's not very expensive, actually.