Tuesday, December 19, 2006

George Bush is not Adolf Hitler.

Allied prisoners in WWII detention camps were allowed to get letters from home, as shown in the classic film Stalag 17. They were not led around on a leash. They didn't have electricity applied to their testicles. Hitler's prison wardens followed the rules set by an international agreement. Even though the prisoners they detained were part of an organization that not only had weapons of mass destruction, but dropped them daily on German cities. Even Adolf Hitler abided by the rules of the Geneva Convention.


Anonymous said...

Not all allied forces were kept in Geneva Convention conditions. Americans and British were, yes, but many, such as the Russians, were not. They were kept in the work/death camps alongside the Jews, gypsies and other undesirables. Some of those camps, such as Sachsenhausen (outside Berlin), saw more soviets than Jews and were essentially two camps side by side. One for Geneva Convention countries, one for everyone else.

As much as I despise Bush and everything he's done, it is a bit of an oversimplification to state he's worse than Hitler, becuase 'even Hitler didn't do that'.


Shocho said...

I admit that I went for shock value with this one. I debated whether I should post it like this. Anyway, I still say that ignoring the Geneva Convention is a Bad Thing(TM).

Mkae said...

Under the definition of the Geneva Convention, it doesn't apply in this case. I'm not saying anything about the humanity of it one way or the other, just that if it doesn't apply legally, you can't use that in your argument.

Shocho said...

So, let me get this straight: the fact that Bush redefined the GC so it doesn't apply to his "detainees" makes it okay?

Is that like invading a sovereign country and replacing its government is okay as long as it's for a good cause? Hitler did that too.

Anonymous said...

Nothing satisfies a small mind like hyperbole, eh? What a total load of crap. Whether you like or dislike Bush as a leader, you demean yourself with such a comment.

Shocho said...

Really? You don't think there's any issue with the way Bush and Rumsfeld have dealt so casually with the Geneva Convention? I remember when we had a president that wanted the United States to be a respectable member of the world community. With the Neocons' disregard of the United Nations and the Geneva Convention, this is not the case right now.