Monday, May 29, 2006

Freelancing 'R' Us.

Just to give all y'all some frame of reference for where I've been working the past year, here are some links.

First we have SwimWays, where there are a few other folks who worked at That Company with us. A great place to work, family-owned, and who doesn't want to work for a company that makes pool toys? Fun people to be around. I've done production and layout of files and comps for them more than once. Thanks, Ed!

Next we have WizKids, makers of the Battlestar Galactica CCG. I helped design and develop the first set for this game based on the popular SciFi channel TV show. Another great place to work, honest, from top to bottom. Everybody there did their best to make my stay in Seattle (okay, Bellevue actually) a lot of fun. Thanks, Matt!

My current project is another CCG called Xeko made by a Seattle-based company. It's about ecology, hotspots, and endangered species. It's true, I'm actually learning things and even thinking about doing more recycling! Working from home on this one, which is fun and challenging at the same time. Thanks, Tyler!

The next opportunity? Who knows? I'll be at Origins working for WizKids, and maybe even find some time to locate some job leads. I'm remaining optimistic at this point. Which ain't easy, but I'm working on it.


Trundling Grunt said...

Any chance you'll be at Gencon? I'd like to hook up if so.

Shocho said...

Outlook not so good.

TheGirard said...

Can you find me a job Chuck?

Jason said...

Can you find me a job Chuck?

Anonymous said...

...heard a game-shop employee today compare the game play of BSG* CCG to that of SW CCG. Care to comment?

-- anon coward


Shocho said...

SWCCG has two decks, a standard phased game turn, and runs the opponent out of cards to win.

BGCCG has one deck, an interactive game turn, and counts influence to determine a winner.

What kind of comparison was made? Are you saying they're too alike? I don't think they have much in common at all.

Anonymous said...

Gaming store employee was telling customers that it had just come out. Was trying to explain what the game was out. Asked if customer had ever played the "original" Star Wars card game; from Decipher. Customer knew what that was, so employee said it "plays a whole lot like that."

When looking over the capsule summary and with some scan of the online play script, I saw very little that was similar. Thought "that guy was in snow-job mode; or simply all wet!"

Decided to-hell-with-it, time to ask an expert...

-- anon coward

Shocho said...

If Employee was good at snow jobs, he would have checked to see if Customer LIKED the old SWCCG before lying about how similar they are. Anyway, I hope he got a sale.