Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The waterfree urinal.

I peed in a Falcon WaterFree urinal, and it was so unusual that there was a plaque explaining how it works. It's a urinal that doesn't flush. It just drains the urine away through a replaceable filter.

Falcon urinals create more pleasant restrooms because they eliminate the ammonia odor caused when urine reacts with water to cause ammonia oxide.
Hey, I'm all for a more pleasant restroom. Seemed to work fine to me. No stinky urine smell. Next on the list, shit that don't stink.


Major Rakal said...

They may have made sweeping advances in urinal technology, but their chemistry background is wanting. Ain't no such thing as "ammonia oxide".

They probably mean "ammonium hydroxide", which is what you get when you dissolve ammonia (which is a gas at room temperature) in water. But it's the ammonia gas that you smell.

This lesson in chemistry is brought to you by the element N (nitrogen).


Even Sir Galahad loves xenon.

Shocho said...

Well done, Major. My chemistry knowledge told me that it didn't stink and that's about all I got.

TheGirard said...

But wait, doesn't it still smell like urine if it doesn't drain properly?

And was there a funnel cake?

Mkae said...

Mmm....funnel cakes...

The Information Officer said...

probably not a funnel cake, but maybe a urinal cake.

And the point is that urine doesn't smell that way until it becomes a gas through a chemical reaction.