Monday, January 16, 2006

Dave Barry on 24.

Dave loves himself some 24, and he comments on it, and he's fucking funny. Some excerpts (no spoilers here, but lots in the link):

UPDATE: Whoa. Edgar has not been skipping the Krispy Kremes.
UPDATE: Edgar is the size of a two-car garage.
He did a live blog thing where you comment as you watch. He didn't mention audio troubles at the end of the show, which according to my worldwide IQM reporters, were in the East Coast and Midwest broadcasts (hey, aren't they the same broadcast?) but not in the West Coast broadcast, which takes longer to get here and can be tackled from behind and forced to behave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the football game that ran into 24's time, had a blurb that said "24 to follow, except on the west coast".