What it's like to write for games.
Erik Wolpaw was asked, "So what do you think is the hardest thing about writing for games?" His answer is almost too true to be funny.
At strip clubs, there’s a guy whose job is to talk between the strippers. He tries to do a good job and be entertaining and enthusiastic, but everybody’s just there for the nakedness. That’s a professional writer trick we call called an “analogy”. What I really mean is that game writers are the game equivalent of the guy who talks between the nude girls at strip clubs. Nobody cares about what that guy does, and anybody who does care is probably a little maladjusted. So I’d have to say the hardest part of being a game writer is learning all the writing tricks like “analogy”.He totally nailed that answer.
The way I quote myself works is not entirely understood.
But the guy between the strippers isn't essential to the job. He could be awful or even completely absent and it would have practically no effect on the profitability of the strip club.
There is a guy that talks between dancers at strip clubs? For some reason I have never noticed this ... not that I have been to a strip club ...
And how many TCG players would do well on a lore quiz, Jason? I'd venture to say not many.
Shocho: Back in the first edition Trek days, I'd guess most of us would do pretty good. You needed to know the lore. Nowadays, it is useless and doesn't even really need to be there.
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