Monday, May 15, 2006

Damn, missed my anniversary.

Black Thursday was May 12th, 2005. I was planning to say all kinds of things about my first year of unemployment. Happily, I forgot to post about it that day. That means I was thinking about other stuff, which is okay with me. LWC says I've done a lousy job of being unemployed, since I've worked more than seven months out of that year. Anyway, I'm soldiering on, and we're keeping our heads above water with pool toys and TCGs. Thanks for asking, everyone, we're honestly doing fine.


Trundling Grunt said...

Didn't realise it was the anniversary. Glad to hear you're making out ok.

Major Rakal said...

"...keeping our heads above water with pool toys..."

**groan** How long have you been waiting to use that line?

Putting that aside, seven months of working in a year isn't half bad for being unemployed. Shoot, that's a month more than I worked in the first year following Black Monday.

Wishing you luck with taking it to full time in year two.