Monday, March 06, 2006

Nat raps.

It was on YouTube, and taken down for copyright infringement.

Now, instead of searching the web for "borrowed" NBC highlights, you can go to the source! We've taken your viral favorites and gathered them into one convenient location. Watch. React. Tell a friend.
Here's the official NBC site version. Universal/GE/NBC knows that viral video is good advertising, they just don't want everybody to have it.


Kathy said...

This deserved an Oscar a hell of a lot more than that Hard to be a Pimp mess did.

Shocho said...

Nice, K.

DavĂ­d said...

Boo, they took it down.

And to be fair, the Hard to be a Pimp performed at the Oscars was terrible. The version in the movie was much better.

Shocho said...

Thanks for the update. I changed it to the Official NBC version. I don't want them to repossess my GE stove.