Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Stealth advertisement.

It's not really clear from their website, but I heard that Hype Council will create anonymous posts on blogs directing readers gently and subtly to your goods for sale. "Hey, that's cool! I heard about this other website..." I'm sure they are much sneakier than that. I guess this is no more unethical than filmed testimonials, which seem so amazingly bogus to me. Some of us at That Company were employed to saturate websites with dopey comments like this to create web traffic for yet another bad idea early last year. Disgusting.


GiromiDe said...

Another bad idea from That Company? I could guess WARS, but there were so many. Was the hyping limited to the Forums? How could you sift it through all the ass-kissing?

This completely negates the purpose of comments on sites like Amazon, although they aren't very helpful. After reading about any one product, I want to stab my brain with the nearest blue Bic.

Shocho said...

No, it wasn't WARS. Yes, it was hyped in places outside of That Company.