Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Fuck them censors.

The Rolling Stones, some of rock's original Bad Boys, are not suffering the censoring fools gladly.

The Rolling Stones thought the censorship of their songs by the NFL/ABC was absolutely ridiculous and completely unnecessary....The band did the songs they were supposed to do and they sang all the words.
Then the NFL worked their censorship magic. ABC dropped this like a hot potato, saying it was the NFL to blame. I don't understand why the idiots don't just get an act that does what they want (like boring old Sir Paul last year), instead of putting a band on and then picking and choosing what we get to hear.


Jason said...

You know what worked real well, I think 7 years ago? During halftime fo the SB, WWF showed a Rock/Mankind title match on USA or UPN, and I think the belt even changed hands.

If I were in charge of anything entertainment-related, I'd schedule something special to happen during the Super Bowl and promote the hell out of it. And by "special," I mean anything that appeals to males aged 18-45, none of which will likely watch another Super Bowl halftime show again.

Shocho said...

Like the Lingerie Bowl?

Jason said...

Yes. But don't make me pay for it. I'm too lazy for that.

Trundling Grunt said...

The best bit was the fact that the NFL had originally wanted to keep the audience for the Stones to the under-40s. Then it was pointed out that the average age of the Stones was 62.....