Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Rule #1.

From how to blog by Tony Pierce:

1. write every day.
Thirty rules he has, but this one is #1.

I find that when I post every day, the hits stay steady and high. When I slack off a couple of days, there's a dramatic drop.

This is my post for today. It's not a very good one, but I'm following Rule #1.


Mkae said...

You're directing this at me, aren't you? AREN'T YOU???

Well I'm sorry, but I just haven't had anything frickin' interesting to say in the past week, ok????!??!?!

By the way, check today's "I Love William Shatner Post"! Search Blogger for Mkae! You'll be glad you did!!

Shocho said...

No, actually I was talking about me, as usual. You should take something for that paranoia.

Kathy said...

I can't throw stones, as I live in a glass house, but I was glad to see a new Mkae post, as well as (finally) something new from Hollywood.

And Shocho, always glad to see something from you too. You're regular like Old Faithful or someone who keeps up with their Citrusel.

I meant for that to have a nicer mental image.