Friday, December 23, 2005

Simon Sez Santa.

Gotta post this today, Christmas approacheth! Once again, I am the tool of someone's clever viral marketing campaign. He'll do what you want him to do. I've used: fart, piss, puke, sleep, run, dance, talk, yell. What did you make Santa do?

UPDATE: Here are some more from Fark: tear up tree, strip, mrs claus, smokes, juggle, breakdance.


TheGirard said...

also...poop, jig, eat

Kathy said...

I got "present" and "hat".

Kathy said...

And also "sign" and "punch".

Sign is sort of funny.

Shocho said...

Here are some more:

ass (you don't want to do this one)

DrHeimlich said...

I got "hide" doing the same thing as "run," and "robot" doing the same thing as "breakdance."

There's also: drink, jump, elf, pray, laugh, and sing.

And then there's "stocking." Um.... okay.

Kathy said...

WTF is up with "stocking" giving the same result as "Elvis"?

Kathy said...

Heh, and "plumber" does the same thing as "ass". Okay, I'm going to go have actual Christmas now instead of bossing around Bad Santa.

Dave(id) said...

I tried what I normally type in these situations...."masturbate", pretty funny result. :-)