Friday, July 08, 2005

Directors reveal their top 10 films

This URL ends in ".ece' which I don't think I've ever seen before. I hope it works better for you than it did for me. I tried a couple of browsers and none of them worked. Some of the other pages on their site worked better, but not well. I think it's a British thing, and I don't have the right plugs. Please insert your favorite "you have a Mac, stupid" comment here.

Anyway, it's a list of famous directors and their top 10 films. Here's the QT list, with some obscure stuff of course. Coffy? Really, Quentin?


1. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Leone, 1966)
2. Rio Bravo (Hawks, 1959)
3. Taxi Driver (Scorsese, 1976)
4. His Girl Friday (Hawks, 1939)
5. Rolling Thunder (Flynn, 1977)
6. They All Laughed (Bogdanovich, 1981)
7. The Great Escape (J Sturges, 1963)
8. Carrie (De Palma, 1976)
9. Coffy (Hill, 1973)
10. Five Fingers of Death (Chang, 1973)


Tom said...


BTW, my two favorites are "who wanted to use all that crazy software anyways" and "you know that is an Apple, right?"

thisismarcus said...

Lots of good old films on those lists, but what's the big deal about Raging Bull? I find it so boring.