Thursday, June 16, 2005

Random links I should post before they get old.

Ana is a new role model, a goddess to worship, for some young girls. Find out more about her here.

A legal guide for bloggers from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. You may not need it now, but bookmark it to be safe.

Haunted Paper Toys are cool and downloadable at this site.

An interview with George Lucas in Rolling Stone, shortly after Star Wars came out, reveals some insights. He had a toy store and wanted toys to sell, so the merchandising was an integral part.


Kathy said...

Ana's not new, unfortunately. I found her a lot several years ago when I was hardcore searching for weight loss tips during the Great Diet and Exercise Plan of 2002. I actually, sickeningly enough, got a few tips to keep me from snacking from an Ana list. Only they use the same tips to keep themselves from eating at all.

The Lucas interview made me realize I'm still a geek at heart, because I rankled that they kept spelling Wookiee wrong. He just can't be that guy anymore. I think he's a version of that guy, but the dude in that interview would never have made Episode II.

Oh, and that whole, "I wrote the whole outline before I even made Star Wars" is obviously not the truth. Either that, or he's lying his ass off in that interview. He's still all unsure what the sequel should be, or if he's even gonna make one.

I call BS on the whole thing.

Aussie-Askew said...

Wookie didn't jar me near as much as "Flash Gorgon"! He could have just turned Ming The Merciless to stone!

And why is it that every time I read the main title of this blog, I read it to the tune of The Divinyls "I Touch Myself". Was that an intended musical link, or purely my own delusion...

Shocho said...

Yes, the Divinyls link is unavoidable. The tagline on the blog used to say, "I quote myself, I want you to quote me." Hmm, this post is me quoting myself, whaddaya know.