Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Why I like Greg Costikyan.

Sure, he's usually talking about video games on mobile phones, but I love his take on games and gaming. Some examples from his recent posts:

From a post about 50 Cent: Bulletproof
And, since they're morons and don't realize that the success of GTA is due to its non-instantial, open-ended, well-realized world and the gameplay it foster, they assume that "havoc" is what sells, and therefore a game featuring the edge, dangerous liftestyle of gangsta rappers will find a big market. In other words, they think we're all baggy-pants-wearing suburban hip-hop wannabes--still aiming for that 12-16 white male demographic.

From a post about a "hagiography" of Milton Bradley:
I do find one little bit of the last chapters charming, however; Shea (as told to Mercer--presumably the actual writer here) discusses how open Milton Bradley is to outside game submissions, providing as illustrations the names of a number of designers who "continue to receive substantial royalties today." I'm delighted to know that Candy Land was designed by Eleanor Abbot, for instance. And it is, of course, a mortal shame, and a dereliction of duty, that none of the US mass market game publishers today will review submissions over the transom. Reading the slush is, in my opinion, a grave duty of publishers. Few publishers, in gaming or legitimate publishing, agree with me of course.

Hagiography is the word of the day, by the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to like this guy, Greg too. Especially for being in the actualy industry aswell. Browsing through the web for his work :)