Green is the new purple.
It's a World of Warcraft thing. You wouldn't understand. (I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just paraphrasing a bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep. They were right, I didn't understand it.)
It's a World of Warcraft thing. You wouldn't understand. (I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just paraphrasing a bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep. They were right, I didn't understand it.)
Hmph, I don't get it. Have I been away that long?
lawls...TBC FTW!
B, its a reference to all the old purple gear that got replaced by greens that were better. I replaced my GM weapon with a quest reward blue within 2 weeks of BC coming out =(
Ok I'm wid ya.
It shocks me that people didn't expect this. It's like "OMG, this item that I got when I'm level 66 is somehow BETTER than the item I got when level 60. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?"
I realize that, you know, purples should last you a while, or whatever, but really, would you want to play an expansion in which nothing was ever appreciably added to your character?
Yes, we all knew this would happen. It's just a pisser when a random green drop from some silly mob that attacked you on the road in Zangarmarsh replaces the purple tier 1 item that you ran Molten Core 25 times to get.
Honestly, I think they did a good job. People were constantly asking in chat, "Which is better?" If it's that hard a decision, they did good.
I can understand the time difference and all. I guess people just didn't think about what upping the level cap actually meant. S'part of the reason I wanted to do MC and all the 40-mans before TBC came out, I knew all that content would be completely useless at 70.
But it's like the twink characters that run through Deadmines like 100 times trying to get a drop off VC. They don't complain when they finally start to level again and get some nifty green that's better than their Defias chestpiece, do they?
I think the mentality is a throwback to the Everquest days. Raid gear was way better than "casual gear" for many expansions. In fact it could even compete in the slightest. And then a 3 expansion lag started to happen. The raid gear from 3 expansions ago is now equal to the casual gear of this expansion . . . and that trend is continuing now as they move into their 11th expansion.
could = couldn't above. /bonk
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