Friday, December 22, 2006

Objects don't work in the room.

LWC and I finished watching the three-part, six-hour mini-series The Lost Room from SciFi. Peter Krause was, of course, terrific. Julianna Margulies was, actually, rather average.

I liked it. The plot had a clever way of not making sense. It was consistent in this manner, even up to the ending. In which I filled in some holes with my own theories, but it doesn't matter. It's not supposed to make sense in a factual way.

The X-Files episode that William Gibson wrote was greatly disliked by our friend Bill Martinson. Because computers can't do that. Gibson's work is not based on the way things work. It's just saying, "What if it worked this way."

If The Lost Room were a regular series, it would drive me crazy. I wonder if it's an example of what Lost could be if it didn't have to last for season after season. Cause for three nights, it was cool.

SPOILER STUFF in the comments, beware!!!

1 comment:

Shocho said...

Dungeons & Dragons has a cliche called a "teleport trap." One of the party goes into the room and poof, they disappear. The rest of the PCs all look at each other for a second, and then they go do the same thing.

I wondered why Joe didn't do this when Anna first disappeared in The Room. Just go in and let somebody else reset it.

At the end though, the implication from The Occupant was that Joe had to become an object first before this would work. I can buy that.

Which makes me wonder if there was an original Occupant that the Occupant killed in The Room and that's how he became an object. Wally said "something horrible" had happened in The Room.