Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I hate podcasts.

They're a step backward. Instead of a random access format like a CD or an article in which I can easily skip around and read/listen to whatever I want, I have to slog through a serial progression like listening to a cassette tape.

A couple of doofuses who have lousy radio voices and say "uh" a lot make a 60-minute recording telling me what kind of drinks they're having while I wait for 20? 30? 40? minutes until they get around to what I want to hear them talk about. If it were a web article, I'd scroll down to the part I want and get on with my life.

I prefer to use my attention in focused bursts. "There, THAT is what I want to know, thanks, moving on." Rather than listening to some ambling mess on my iPod while I'm taking a walk.

How is this better than writing things down and publishing them somewhere? I can't listen to podcasts. I don't have the patience.


Mkae said...

Thank you. I have been wanting to make this post for some time. I have listened to only a handful of podcasts and they're absolute shit. I was worried that my former Radio experience was coloring my "appreciation" of this but I'm glad to see it's not just me.

Brad said...


WotC does a MtG podcast and I cannot stand it. As much as i try, I usually get 30-40 seconds into it and turn it off.

But I'm not sure if it is the radio voice or "professionalizism" that bothers me. I think it really is what you pointed out. Getting to what I want and skipping the rest.

Did you ever listen tot The Girard's podcast? Where he sings Spong bob Square pants? Hi-larious

GiromiDe said...

I wholeheartedly agree that indexed podcasts would be a step in the right direction.

We should just give the format time to evolve on its own. It's a step backward right now becuase it's so new and is being used without any kind of standard.

Shocho said...

Sometimes I don't post things like this because I don't want to seem like Old Curmudgeon Guy (I'm sure most of you don't believe that). But it's great to see this outpouring of hate. Hatred shared is doubled! Let fly your emotions!

Anonymous said...


On the plus side, there is a video DIY with french maids on iTunes. (=

- Enrique

Trundling Grunt said...

I have found 2 podcasts that are very good - the Ricky Gervais podcasts (or the free ones at least) and In Our Time from the bbc which is quality broadcasting,