Saturday, May 20, 2006

When you were 10.

I have a theory that when you are 10 years old, the things that you experience then stay with you for a very long time.

When I was 10, it was 1964 and the Beatles were invading. It's easy to forget what a very good band they were. This post is simply titled, "Beatles," like he's saying, "You know how you feel about them, take it or leave it."

However, it includes interesting and clever bits from songs, illustrated by mp3 snippets, that show how creative the Beatles were. There are dozens of examples. Now I want to own all the Beatles on CD, so I can remember the deep cuts and every song. Luckily, there's a contest here to win 'em all.


Kindralas said...

Two things...

One, I can't remember anything from when I was 10.

Two, I can't believe anyone who delves that much into dissecting music down to parts doesn't have Tool somewhere in his "what I'm listening to" graphic...

I mean, come on, the song Judith's been out for like 6 years, and I just listened to it again, knowing the backstory behind Maynard's mother, and it's a completely different song.

TheGirard said...

When you were 10, I would be born in another 14 years.