Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The lessons of MMORPGs.

It's not a joke, it's a lament. If you play morepigs, you should read this. You will find it funny and sad.

Death doesn’t really sting. Nerf, however, is incredibly painful.
If you don't play morepigs, there are other things you can read. If you have friends that play morepigs and hate those games for devouring them, you could write your own lament.

Once some one asked me, "What is this Dungeons & Dragons game all about?" In that way that unexpectedly your brain distills a complex experience to a poignant quintessence of fact in what alcoholics call a moment of clarity, I answered, "Murdering and stealing."

(I saw this at Ober Dicta, thanks Seth.)

1 comment:

TheGirard said...

Did someone's warrior get nerfed?