Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Busting blocks.

Blockbuster has no late fees. I rented three movies today that were all marked "2-DAY RENTAL." What the fuck does that mean? Why do I care? At checkout, the doofus reminded me of their online service ("our stores don't work, use our Netflix clone") even AFTER I said I didn't want it, and then he said: "Just make sure you get these back by April the fifth." Huh? Today is March 27th! I checked the receipt, and here's what it says:

Rental product kept more than 7 days after the due date is converted to a sale. Sale may be reversed by returning the product within 30 days of the sale date and paying a $1.25 restocking fee. Franchise restocking fees may vary.
I laughed out loud when I read this. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Late Fees are Restocking Fees. Oh yeah, and if you're late, you fucking buy it!


TheGirard said...

Maybe that former sales manager guy from The Company works for Blockbuster now.



Yup. Blockbuster is retarded.