Thursday, March 16, 2006

Actor unhappy with character death.

The guy that plays Edgar doesn't understand why he was killed off.

The wonder turned to something else after Lombardi read a story in USA Today, in which executive producer Howard Gordon acknowledged that Edgar became more vulnerable as his appeal grew, a statement that baffled the 38-year-old actor.
Curious logic, that. Ronald D. Moore makes the same kind of decisions with Battlestar Galactica. It becomes so predictable that I'd bet money in a given situation that the expected outcome will not happen.

Television writers create plotlines that don't do the expected. Of course, after a while, this becomes the expected thing, and they're in a rut again, just like the old rut in Bizarro World. Me am not impressed.


Hayden said...

It's about time they killed Edgar off. His acting was, at times, painful to watch.


I was bummed. They could have killed him better. And how the heck did tony go down without taking out some guys. It's like chappelle and Nina all over again.