Sunday, February 26, 2006

Weird-ass puppets and screwed-up cartoons.

Many of you may be fans of the opening and closing Olympic ceremonies. Personally, I find them disturbing in many ways. If there were too much yellow, I'm sure I would have an acid flashback and be manic-depressive for days. Here is an excerpt that strains mightily to avoid saying, "I don't know what the fuck happened there or why:"

TURIN, Italy (AP) -- Turin's Olympics, a topsy-turvy mix of marvels and misadventures, ended appropriately with a closing-ceremony Carnevale -- a circus-like celebration full of clowns and acrobats, vibrant and often dreamlike.
Some casino employee crashed the games, which was somehow explained in this article's headline as "Protest mars Turin Olympic finale" (I include the headline here because I expect it will be edited). Protest? Clearly a publicity stunt, protesting only a lack of taste, restraint, and proper advertising budget.

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