Saturday, February 18, 2006

Like Fonzie saying "wrong."

After four days, Big Dick breaks his silence. It takes him five solid days to get to the point where he can say out loud things like, "I am the guy who pulled the trigger" and "You can't blame anybody else." However, the words "sorry" and "regret" do not appear in this article.

Consistently, the Administration and its apologists stress that they were firstly concerned about the health of the victim. When asked why it took so long to report the incident, or why they chose not to have the White House release the news, their answer is that they were firstly concerned about the health of the victim.

Which doesn't answer the question, and certainly seems like one of two things took place: (1) they thought that they could keep it quiet and no one would ever find out, or (2) they needed time to invent a story to cover up the truth. The things they are saying don't make sense, and the media lets them get away with it. Again.

Remember when Fonzie admitted he was wrong on Happy Days? He tried for about five minutes to say "wrong," only stuttering "wrrrrrahhh" because he couldn't even say the word. I think Cheney had some of the same problems.


Kathy said...

"Oops! My bad."

Mkae said...

Coming from a state where we have as many hunting accidents as sniper-freeway shootings (Ohio) I don't see the furor over this story. It should be pointed out that the ranch owner called the sherrif who, as they did in Ohio, came out the next day to take statements since no one was killed.

Thus, it seems highly unlikely, except in the mind of the wild-eyed liberals who are so desperately searching for SOMETHING that they can get to "stick" to this administration (covering up their inability to stand for anything) that anyone thought this could be covered up. The truth, is that both political parties in this nation so over-anazlyze everything, that if Cheney had sneezed on him it would have taken 5 hours to release a statement.

What really makes me sick about this whole incident is the desperate hope (and you cannot deny that the majority of the left was hoping this) that Wittington would die from his injuries. No one actually said it, but you could hear it in the news reporting.

I have no particular love of the Veep and actually think he's a liability to the party, but this incident really shines a big bright light on how ugly politics, and the media ("Captain! We're listing to port!!!") can be.

Tom said...

Should be an interesting day in the office on Monday :P

Remember to use the nerf guns to settle it boys...there has been enough gun violence in thread...(I crack me up).

Kathy said...

I think you should clarify yourself, Mkae. You simply cannot have actually meant that more than 50% of liberals in this country were hoping for that poor old man to die of his injuries. That's an absolutely horrible thing to say.

If you acknowledge that it was a good possibility that Wittington *could have* died of his injuries, surely you can't possibly think it was unquestionably on the up and up that the sherrif couldn't be bothered to come RIGHT out when our VICE PRESIDENT accidentally shot someone. I don't know that there was a stall or a coverup, but isn't it a little presumptuous to assume that there wasn't, given the time lapse?

And seriously, I urge you to take back (or clarify that you couldn't possibly have meant it the way it sounded) saying that anyone with ideals to the left of center were rooting for someone to die because it would make the scandal juicier. Again, that's an unthinkable thing, especially coming from a party that's been labeled as "bleeding hearts" for so long.

GiromiDe said...

There has to be more than one Ann Coulter type in the Left's punditocracy who were quietly hoping he would die. The probably of such a thought passing through someone's mind is high enough for someone to have it.

I don't think there's a conspiracy. More likely, the administration was overcautious, which also appears to have backfired.

Cheney was apologetic on Fox News, but he might have let his guard down, since they're so soft on the administration.

Shocho said...

We have Monday off for Presidents' Day.

Shocho said...

Let me make this clear again: Cheney did not apologize. He did not say the words "sorry" or "regret." These men still do not have the ability to express the fact that they have made a mistake. He said that he did it and it was a bad day, but that hardly constitutes an act of contrition.

Full transcript here:

Furthermore, I also do not believe "the majority of the left" were hoping for the victim to die. I just want all Republicans to lose their jobs, and the death sentence is always wrong regardless of circumstances.

Mkae said...


You are the ONLY person (presumably to the left) I have heard that has identified Whittington as a "poor old man" or in fact acknowledged him at all. Ok, maybe over 50% is high, but I'm sure the number of liberals hoping for a manslaughter trial of the vice president was pretty high.

What I have found shamelessly missing from all coverage of this story has been anything about Whittington himself. Keep in mind, that I'm stuck with the idiocy of the Seattle media and seething (and that's being factual, not insulting) morons like Ken Schram who, on the day that Whittington went back into intensive care with a heart attack, issued an a contest DURING THE EVENING NEWSCAST to send in your best jokes about Cheney shooting this guy for him to read on a future show. Everything I have seen on this story has been about Cheney shooting a guy in the face, and hardly anything about the guy who was shot.

As for the sheriff, he was notified the day it happened. According to reports, he spoke with eyewitnesses and opted to send a deputy the next day to conduct interviews for the report. I don't see the conspiracy here.

One last point. Should Cheney apologize to Whittington through CNN, MSNBC or FOX? Or should he apologize to Whittington? And, do we know he didn't? Personally, I don't need to be privy to that conversation. It's between the two men and I'm pretty sure that it happened. I don't feel "wronged" in any way because I haven't heard Dick Cheney say "I'm sorry".

And we can't use Nerf guns to settle it Tom. Chuck is non-combatant (even though I got a really good shot on him last week).

Kindralas said...

The best way to sue for your point is from a position of neutrality.

Anyway, I agree with Kathy/Shocho, and I agree with Mkae, in order to ride as many fences as possible.

My initial reaction was "heh," then "why didn't we hear about this until now?" then "eh, just a hunting accident." I have to agree, to an extent, that hunting accidents are like that. You're shooting things, hunting partners will eventually get shot. It happens.

But, considering this was the vice president, there should have been more information quicker than had happened, simply because this was, in fact, the vice president.

The media did and does seem to have an undercurrent about trying to make things seem worse than it is. What with the graphics in USA Today and all. And while I don't think any liberal ever hopes a man dies, there seemed to be a kind of expectant waiting for this to become some huge thing.

I don't necessarily believe Cheney and the Bush camp when they say they delayed things to ensure that Whittington was okay. They came out with what they had to say late, and the entire thing rang of the same kind of disingenuine lack of respect that happened during other trials of the presidency.

All in all, I'll be happy in two years. Despite my occasional conservative leanings, Bush needs to go.

GiromiDe said...

Speaking of political neutrality, I will say that just as Clinton shooting his load in the Oval Office was relevant, so is Cheney shooting his load in a quail hunt.