Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I had a list of things to do today. Most of them went to hell, but by God, I wasn't giving up on the coasters yet. I mentioned this to LWC on the phone, after I told her of the Horror that was Job Fair. She pointed out that our previous coaster purchases were from Target and/or Wal-Mart, and that coasters were found in the Doohickey Department, with things like spoons and egg slicers. Had I been armed with such valuable information earlier in the day, perhaps my trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond could have been more fruitful. At any rate, I purchased coasters much like the ones pictured at Target, thereby completing said task and doing something useful with my day. In fact, the coasters above are ones like we already have, which are quite satisfactory, although the new ones have bigger flex dots, which I am anxious to try out.

Fuck, Uther is up, I'm outta here.


TheGirard said...

I had to learn to write a CRD :(

I miss chuck and his infinite wisdom. :(

Jason said...

I miss Chuck's coasters.

Seriously, I can still remember rolling them around in my hand. If the old ones fell apart, it's partially my fault.

Oh yeah, I miss Chuck, too. And Cheryl.

DrHeimlich said...

Those are some nice coasters. My coasters totally suck. They're eavy marble discs, and when your drink sweats, it sticks to the coasters. So you pick up your glass, and then two seconds later, THUD! The coaster drops on the table.

I flipped them over to the "wrong side," because they're cork, and work better.

Shocho said...

The old coasters are fine, Jason, we still have them. We just needed to get some more.

I remember those, Evan, and they were kinda funky. We have some like that, they're pretty and made of some kind of stone and they don't work worth a crap.

Mike, if you had some nice coasters, I'm sure that CRD would have been a lot easier to write. I had a nice coaster at work when I was doing that stuff.

TheGirard said...

yea, my coaster is an Aol disk with SW on the front. Clearly that is my problem.

Shocho said...

Dude, my coaster is still at work, it might be on my old desk. It was black plastic with a cork insert. Mighty magic in that coaster!

Mkae said...

Funny you should mention it, because I have needed to buy coasters for a year now but unless you put it on a specific list, buying coasters is exactly the last thing that is ever on your mind when you leave the house. (I think this has been scientifically proven.)

I own the same marble in wood coasters that Evan is talking about. They're simple awful and make a hideous yet somehow satisfactory noise, when the kids smash them on the wood floors.

Shocho said...

Where do you go in a department store to find coasters? I went to where they sell glasses, but they're not there. They're next to the wooden spoons and salt shakers. What the fuck is up with that.

Anyway, good luck to all of you with your search for suitable coasters. I like coasters, and they make me happy. They give me a place to put my drinks.

Anonymous said...

who'd have thought coasters could be such an exciting topic. I usually end up using a magazine or folded up piece of paper.

Maybe that's because I don't know where to find them in stores either?

Shocho said...

Magazines are for reading. You'll never want to read your coaster, so it's better for putting your drink on.

Mkae said...

What if the coasters are really the furniture and the coffee table is just a coaster for the floor?


Incidentally, I was in Target on Wednesday picking up a prescription for Viccadin (whee!) and honest to God, I went looking for coasters to fill my 15 minutes with. Didn't find them.

Shocho said...

Metaphysics, yeah, I like that good stuff. Just goes to show you that deep thinkers can think deeply, but they can't find stuff in the store.