Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Idiots injure each other.

Why is it that sometimes the "inspiration" for idiots like this is vilified and sometimes it isn't? I suppose the answer is how much "social currency" that inspiration carries. In the 1970s, when an idiot from Michigan decided to play D&D in some steam tunnels and died, roleplaying games became a danger to our youth. Same thing happened with Doom and Columbine, even though millions of kids had played Doom and not shot up their high school. I don't think that Star Wars is going to be blamed for this incident, and it's all in how they're reported in the media. Of course the truth is that idiots do stupid things, and games or movies are not responsible.

(Why the phrase "social currency" has replaced the term "popularity" I do not know. Similarly, "good to go" has replaced "ready." Color me confused.)

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